"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too"
— Rudyard Kipling
In times of conflict and/or rapid change, it's helpful to maintain peace of mind by keeping a clear head. The phrase “keep your head” brings to mind the idea of retaining steady calm focus, free from distractions by whatever may be happening around us. World peace first begins in our individual human minds and hearts. Jesus Christ taught that “the kingdom of heaven is within you,” and Buddha taught, “Peace comes from within, do not seek it without.” There are many ways we can attain the beautifully balanced state of mind described in Rudyard Kipling's poem, If. While some people might presume that Kipling was recommending some kind of stiff-upper-lift stoicism, my take on the poem, If is that Kipling is inviting us to connect to deeper truth and deeper reality than any aspects of the material world have to offer. If we imagine that consciousness itself is primary and fundamental, as physicist Max Planck has said, then it's not too big a stretch to envision how living a life of feeling deeper connection and meaning might bring us the greatest true success, peace, and wellbeing.
This kind of peace becomes especially important when we're going through rapid changes, and when there is uncertainty. With peaceful, calm, relaxed and focused minds, we can better appreciate beautiful moments amidst even times of increasing novelty. Many of us are noticing a great deal more synchronicity, reality shifts, and Mandela Effects recently, and these changes are part of world events. My short monthly video this month discusses lessons from the Hopi as we enter the Fifth World, which delves into clues depicted on the Hopi Prophecy rock, in which those people whose heads become detached from the rest of their bodies are the ones moving along a dead-end timeline. The timeline that continues onward and even goes around the corner of the Hopi prophecy rock depict humans who “keep their heads” and appear to follow the sage advice of the Hopi that I mentioned in my Parabola article, “Comes True, Being Hoped For,” such that these people continue receiving inspiration, and continue keeping their hearts open to others. A big part of keeping our heads clearly seems to involve maintaining nourishing heartfelt connections with others, despite whatever differences our heads may occasionally obsess over.
Some of the reality shifts and Mandela Effects that I experience can feel disorienting, when something I remember so clearly apparently could never have occurred the way I remember it. I experienced three personal Mandela Effects this past month that each seemed noteworthy. The first one was very surprising--I turned off the kitchen faucet with the palm of my hand, as I do many times a day and have done for the decades I've lived in this house, and turned to walk away—but heard water running behind me. I turned back and saw the faucet was running again, so I turned the faucet off with the palm of my hand (pushing it back) a second time! Another huge personal Mandela Effect that I experienced this past month involved hearing Jeffrey Mishlove talk on an interview about how he started his PBS TV show, Thinking Allowed, in 1987. I was stunned to hear this, because back when I was studying physics at UC Berkeley in 1981 and 1982, my favorite treat was to watch Thinking Allowed when I was taking a break from all the homework. And now, all my memories of this must be wrong?! I wasn't watching any other TV show—just this one show (and sometimes Tammy Faye Bakker, because it was just such a weird program). A third big reality shift / personal Mandela Effect came to my attention when I wanted to show Chris Anatra four similar sites to Gobekli Tepe, that I'd felt inspired to research a few weeks ago. But when I went to find these four other similar sites, I couldn't find them anywhere—only one other similar site, Karahan Tepe, now exists!
A big part of the joy of living with our heads connected to our hearts and the rest of our bodies is that we can experience beautiful gifts from the Cosmos. I've been noticing a great deal of synchronicity and instantaneous manifestation this past month. For example, I was taking a walk on a warm afternoon, and within moments of deciding to cross the street to enjoy shade on the other side of the street, the very next car I saw featured signage indicating that it was an official vehicle for the “Shade Store.” I'd never seen this car before, and it's arrival moments after I'd been thinking about shade was astonishing.
Another synchronicity involved my seeing a bumper sticker “Honk if you understand punctuated equilibrium” the other day. This is an unusual bumper sticker to begin with, and rather nerdy—but what made it so stunning to me is that I'd just sent a friend an excerpt of my book, Aura Advantage, where I cite some fascinating insights from research into instantaneous mutations and the "origin of mutants":
"Lactose intolerant e. coli bacteria that were fed only lactose managed to successfully make an evolutionary leap and mutate into lactose-munching bacteria."
-- Cairns, John; Overbaugh, Julie; and Miller, Stephan. “The Origin of Mutants” in Nature, vol. 335(6186), September 8, 1988, pp. 142–145
These bacteria made their evolutionary leap in just one single generation, as if they were intuitively (quantumly) sifting through adjacent possible realities until they had the "Aha!" moment that they recognized their optimal reality selection. And I got the added joy of seeing a bumper sticker on a car driving in front of mine, that reminded me of some of the more amazing aspects of punctuated equilibrium, with respect to some of the most extraordinary evolutionary advances. And naturally, when contemplating my favorite question for our participatory Cosmos, “How good can it get?”--I can envision that whatever strange problems might be arriving, we can enjoy some Mandela Effects, reality shifts and quantum jumps that bring us beautifully to an evolutionary step forward.
P.S. Did you know that my new book, The Mandela Effect and its Society: Awakening from ME to WE is now available in ebook, paperback and hardcover editions? And it was the #1 Amazon new release in Quantum Theory? I'd love to know what you think of my new book, and I hope you'll post an honest book review at Amazon, Goodreads, and/or Google Books if you're so inspired, because it really helps the book cut through the noise and algorithms. Thank you!
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In This Issue:
(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
(3) Your Reality Shift Stories
(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
(6) Join in the Discussion
(7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach
(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at cynthiasuelarson@substack.com to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
"Thank you so much, Cynthia!
It is always such a joy to speak with you.
One immediate outcome of this meditation is
that there has been so much laughter in my office since!
And in my life outside work, so much palpable love."
-- Esther
(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
Many worlds of instant manifestation,
and lessons from the Hopi as we enter the Fifth World
Cynthia Sue Larson
4 Aug 2024, 14 minutes
How can we keep our heads in times of rapid change? I'm seeing a recent increase in synchronicity, Mandela Effects, and instantaneous manifestation this summer. I enjoyed a fun moment this last week while being interviewed by Michael Sandler on Inspire Nation, when I mentioned to Michael that it would be nice to see the return of the dodo bird. Michael exclaimed that he had just that day spoken of the dodo bird! He then held a feather up in his right hand to show me, and explained that when he found the feather, he mentioned to his wife, Jessica, that this might perhaps be a feather from an eagle. When Jessica seemed dubious about this, Michael then playfully suggested the possibility that perhaps it came from a dodo bird! Michael and I both enjoyed the magical moment of our dodo bird synchronicity. I’ve also been noticing a great deal of instantaneous station happening in my life recently. On a warm afternoon walk the other day, I noticed shade on the other side of the street, so I crossed the street to enjoy the coolness of the shadows. No sooner had I done this, the very next vehicle I saw was a truck with a sign “The Shade Store,” written on it! This was the first time I had seen that vehicle, and the first time I’d heard of a business making custom curtains and shades. I was astonished to see such instantaneous validation of my unspoken intention for shade! In these days of increasing waves of solar and celestial energy, we can appreciate the possibility that we are receiving exactly the energy boost required to assist each of us individually, and all of us collectively to grow and evolve. Before we can determine how many real worlds there may be, we do well to consider Ontology, which is the study of how we determine if things exist or not, and the classifications we make of what is real. Philosophers ask why anything exists at all, as well as how we can truly know what exists. From a physics perspective, increasing numbers of physicists are suggesting that the “many worlds” of quantum physics are one and the same as the astronomical multiverse. This potentially opens up a vast number of possible realities. The question of whether there might actually be two–or more–physical worlds that are currently being selected by collective consciousness is intriguing. People have recently been asking whether our world may soon be splitting into two worlds. There have been some indications that would seem to suggest this might be the case.
You can read the blog post article on this topic at:
Yabba Dabba Doo!
Mandela Effects
31 July 2024, 2 hours, 41 minutes
Some changes are afoot involving colors and symbology of hats in cartoons, and detailed "new" petroglyphs on ancient statues. Chris, Shane, Jerry, and Cynthia investigate these Mandela Effect mysteries, and many more, including: a volcano that spews gold, something has changed at CERN, pollen coronas, black coral, some "new" first coins minted in the USA, a new word about the future, changes to the 1939 invasion of Poland, and much more.
New Thinking Allowed
The Mandela Effect with Cynthia Sue Larson
14 Jul 2024, 50 minutes
In this interview, Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Jeffrey Mishlove on the New Thinking Allowed, discussing her new book, The Mandela Effect and its Society: Awakening from ME to WE, covering personal experiences and research with a wider knowledge based on accumulating over 1,000 instances of bizarre events concerning the disappearance, reappearance, and transformation of objects and people. Cynthia describes Carl Jung's experience in Italy; a disappearing dinosaur in England, personality studies, and some theories from modern physics including simulation theory and the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics.
This Changes Your Future!
The Mandela Effect, Parallel Realities, and You!
Cynthia Sue Larson
1 Aug 2024, 1 hour, 42 minutes
You're living in a parallel universe, and Cynthia Sue Larson, the best selling author of The Mandela Effect and its Society: Awakening from ME to WE will show you how to tell, and most-importantly how to visit other realities! Michael Sandler interviews Cynthia, and shares a rather surprising spontaneous synchronicity in this conversation. Cynthia is founder of RealityShifters, first president of the International Mandela Effect Conference, managing director of Foundations of Mind, and creator and host of Living the Quantum Dream podcast.
Unbiased and on the Fence
Shane Robinson talks with Cynthia Sue Larson
about the Mandela Effect and its Society
22 Jul 2024, 1 hour, 3 minutes
I had a great talk with Shane Robinson on Unbiased and on the Fence about my new book, The Mandela Effect and its Society: Awakening from ME to WE. We dive into a detailed discussion about which kinds of people experience the Mandela Effect the most, with some interesting insights.
Fruit Loops
or Froot Loops?
Exploring the Mandela Effect
on UK Health Radio
New Life Perspectives
with Liz Larson and Bill McKenna
1 Aug 2024, 45 minutes
Liz Larson and Bill McKenna talk with Cynthia Sue Larson about the Mandela Effect and Cynthia's new book, The Mandela Effect and its Society: Awakening from ME to WE, on the New Life Perspectives podcast.
Decoding the Mandela Effect
on the Quantum Living Podcast with Anna Anderson
interviewing Cynthia Sue Larson
26 Jul 2024, 1 hour, 11 minutes, 11 seconds
What is the Mandela Effect? Whether you are familiar with it or not, prepare yourself for a treat of this very uncommon conversation, as I dive with my special and returning guest Cynthia Sue Larson into Decoding The Mandela Effect. Our key discussion points include: - What is the Mandela Effect - What are the signs of this collective phenomenon - The difference between collective reality shifts and individual quantum jumps - What is the state of superposition - How the reality shifts both collective or personal literally change our past - Why highly sensitive people with psychic abilities experience reality shifts - more often than others - The role of intuition in accessing the collective Mandela Effect experiences - Do we live in a Multiverse And much more! We both share several intriguing and mind-boggling personal experiences with quantum jumps and collective memory shifts.
(3) Your Reality Shift Stories
I received brand new books I'd already read
I really enjoyed the Philip K Dick podcast; I remember he was my favorite scifi writer in the seventies, so different from anybody else, and now I know why he resonated to me so much! Now I had an experience a few weeks ago that I can't quite place. I live in rural France, so English books are difficult to come by, but my daughter usually sends books after she reads them. She sent two books; I started reading one, and noticed straight away that I had read it already. I rung my daughter to tell her that, and she said impossible as they were brand new just published. Then I started the second one and the same thing happened. Here in France every village provides a bookcase by the village hall for people to deposit their read books, free of charge, and I put the books there, and they were snapped up by some lucky person—so sorry I cant recall the titles. I can't ask my daughter, as she would like to know why; she already thinks I am as mad as a box of frogs! Is that a Mandela Effect or a reality shift? I'm a bit mystified, eek, help! I had many things going on, like a jade Buddha turning up on my bedroom windowsill, then disappearing a few months later; crystals materializing and then gone a bit later, and so on. Its all fun and games, but thanks to you I don't feel freaky anymore! So thank you for all your wonderful work! Keep shining your light—sending much love.
P.S.— This book thing is getting weirder! I zoomed with my daughter this weekend, and asked her to tell me the book titles of the books that she sent me at the end of June. She said that she had not sent me any books in June. We then carried on talking about other things. Straight after, I went to my garage to see if the box that the books came in was still there, and it was! Postmarked in June. The date was smudged, but June was clearly visible. So what is happening here? She certainly sent the books, but on what timeline? My head hurts, any explaination? Everything else seems to be ok. I thank you very much for doing what you do; it helps and normalizes what is happening more and more. Sending love and light, keep shining your beautiful light.
Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your experience receiving brand new books that you'd already read. How intriguing! And is difficult as it may be to accept, these things sometimes do happen, and yes, it sounds like a reality shift, aka personal Mandela Effect to me. I've just this past week noted that somehow my memories of watching my favorite TV show when a UC Berkeley physics student back in 1981 and 1982 are impossible--because the "Thinking Allowed" TV show apparently began in 1987, five years later! This is mind-boggling to me, since in 1987 and after that I had no free afternoons to watch daytime TV.
P.S.— Yes, it seems that you and your daughter are clearly experiencing at least a couple of different timelines. I'm glad that you were able to find the box that your daughter sent the books in, even though your daughter has no recollection that she sent them to you. Fascinating! Reality shifts and the Mandela Effect provide us with direct evidence that we aren't all experiencing exactly the same physical reality, and some experiments in quantum physics provide laboratory evidence that there is some kind of mechanism by which two observers at the same place and same time can (and sometimes do) witness completely different realities.
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My beloved Aunt Mary has now always been my godmother
St. Albans, Vermont, USA
I have another reality blip to tell you about. All my life I had wanted to have my Aunt Mary, who always comforted me, for my Godmother. Not that I didn't love my Aunt Jo, who was my Godmother. I just had felt this bond to Aunt Mary, and it seemed natural. Aunt Jo died when she was young, but she was a beautiful being inside and out. I have been scanning photos from my parents photo collection. I find pictures of my Christening. My Uncle is there, and so is my Aunt MARY! What? She was my Godmother? Now why do I remember having those thoughts? Now I'm going to go through some things I saved to see if I find a birthday card "For my Goddaughter" from either one of them. Then I thought, if this was a timeline shift, I won't find anything from Aunt Jo but I will find one from Aunt Mary! This reality shifting is pretty cool, but it shocks me!
Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing this experience discovering that your beloved Aunt Mary now is, and apparently has always been, your Godmother, just as you've long wished for! How amazing that you found photographs of your Christening, and there she was! Yes, this is pretty cool--and indeed, also rather shocking when something hits so close to home like this. I feel a sense of reverence with this shift, which truly feels miraculous to me.
Name of Illinois town changed three times
Wheatland, Iowa, USA
I am writing to tell you of an interesting Mandela effect that happened to me recently where the name of a town changed spelling three times! Last month my husband and I were driving home from a weekend ATV trip in southern Wisconsin back to eastern Iowa. On our route home we drove through Thomsen, Illinois, a town nestled on the banks of the Mississippi River. I looked at the sign and the water tower upon approaching the town and noticed that it was spelled incorrectly. The sign read Thompson, Illinois. and the water tower had Thompson painted on it in very neat large letters. I told my husband that I was experiencing a Mandela effect because my memory of the spelling from when we camped there years before was Thomsen, Illinois. My husband said in his memory it was always spelled that way (Thompson) and I must be mistaken. Fast forward to two weeks later....I am talking with my sister on the phone and mentioned how the spelling of Thomsen was now Thompson. She was in disbelief because her family has camped with us there a few times and she swore that the spelling was Thomsen. My sister said she was sure of the spelling because she had to book the campsite online and write the check out to the Thomsen campground upon arrival. She also said she found the spelling of Thomsen to be important since she had a neighbor with the last name of Thompson and the spelling of the town was different and she remembered that. Since my sister couldn't believe that the spelling had changed to Thompson I told her I would look it up on Google Maps, screenshot it and prove to her that the spelling had in fact changed. Well, when I looked up Thompson, Illinois on the map the spelling of the town had changed again! Now it was spelled Thomson with no letter p in it! This was so bizarre and mind blowing to me. It almost made me want to cry because it can be really disturbing when reality changes like that and you question what is real. When my husband came home that evening I told him that Thompson, Illinois was now spelled Thomson. He was not in the least bit fazed by this. I asked him if he remembered the sign being spelled Thompson a few weeks ago when we drove through the town. He said doesn't remember and it obviously is spelled right if it's on Google Maps. I would also like to note that I have been having a lot of deja vu experiences as well. I would love the hear your thoughts on this, Cynthia, and if you think the deja vu experience could be related to the Mandela Effect phenomenon as well?
Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your experience witnessing the name of the town, Thomsen, Illinois change to Thompson, and then to Thomson without any letter "p." How surprising to witness these changes, and I know what you mean about how distressing something like this can be when you are just hoping to find out what the correct name and spelling are. I'm glad you were able to verify that your sister shares your memory of this town originally having been "Thomsen" back when you'd camp there. With regard to deja vu--yes, I've been having a lot of that recently! We just had our IMEC monthly livestream on YouTube today, and during the show I was certain that we'd already covered a topic of rainbow marshes or swamps before. Chris Anatra looked to see if that was true, and was unable to find any trace of it--and I also was unable to find any previous record that we'd ever shared such a thing on one of our monthly livestreams before. Yet at the same time, it was so familiar to me that I was absolutely certain we must have. I spent a fair bit of time attempting to locate some trace of it, to no avail. It seems likely that increases in deja vu occur when we we are consciously and subconsciously encountering a high number of adjacent possible timelines / realities. And this does seem to be happening much more frequently.
More Small Changes
Mesquite, Texas, USA
Here are some new listings you can check out. :)
63. I found that your Monopoly man has no monocle in this universe. In my parallel universe, there is still a Monopoly man with a monocle. A small difference. Every time I jumped after my first parallel universe and every universe until your Monopoly man with no monocle in your universe. The Monopoly man with the game type you had seen. Go check some information on the internet somewhere and they will tell you that few or some people said this.
64. When the "classic" Batman on TV ends the show each time, there is a "green" Batman light. Somewhere in the parallel universe before this universe, there was a "yellow" Batman light.
65. The high school physical education teacher as my high school bus driver has the last name Harvey in my original parallel universe where I came from. Some parallel universes have his last name Harvey until this universe his last name is Hervey. You noticed a little different spelling of his last name. Harvey and Hervey.
More to come later....
Note from Cynthia: I also remember seeing a yellow colored Batman light at the end of the original Batman TV show---so it's now always been green? That's interesting! I wonder if many other people also remember this one, since it involves a beloved TV show that lots of people likely have strong feelings and memories of. Another TV show Mandela Effect that grabs my attention is the one involving how so many of us--myself included--remember that at the beginning of the "Wonderful World of Disney" intro art before the weekly special weekend show began, an animated Tinkerbell would fly up in front of the Disney castle and up in front where the word "Disney" was written, and she'd use her magic wand with a delightful flourish to dot the letter "i" in Disney. So many of us have warm memories of this--which is strange, since this Tinkerbell intro never happened. And I wonder how that can be possible, since I loved that part of the introduction, and remember having seen it many times in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Reality Shifts and Memory Floods
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Part I:
Late in May 2019 I was driving and listening to one of Spotify's weekly "Just For You" playlists - it examines what you've been listening to, what you've favorited, and creates ad hoc playlists mixing a portion of those with a portion of songs that are similar but that you haven't listened to. Listening to this playlist I heard a song "No Tomorrows" by The Firebirds. I was really impressed with it so looked up the band in Spotify, listened to the entire album a couple times, added the album to my favorites and general playlist, and also did a general internet search to read more about the band. What I found was interesting and entertaining to me - it was a mystery album; a group of unknown studio musicians were assembled and apparently told to record whatever they wanted to, because the record company was going to release the album as "Light My Fire" with one of the songs titled "Light My Fire" because the Doors were at the top of the charts with a song of that name at that moment. It was a rip-off album, the hope being that people would mistakenly purchase it on title alone. Even the song "Light My Fire" wasn't a cover of the Doors tune - because that would involve having to pay royalties - it was a grungy feedback instrumental bearing no relation to its namesake. There is no copyright protection for titles, so some shady record companies routinely did this kind of thing. After time, this record apparently got some recognition from psyche/fuzz aficionados and it got rereleased on cd. Saturday, June 1st, I have a car for the day and my partner and I are driving about. "No Tomorrows" pops up on the playlist and I tell her the fun facts about the band/album - unknown studio musicians free to record anything they wanted, only did one album, named "Light My Fire" but no relation to the Doors song... Saturday, June 8. Exactly one week later. I have Spotify playing my playlist on random while I am making breakfast. A song comes on that I don't recognize - a cover of "Light My Fire". Confused, I check to see who the artist is. The song is called "Warm Up" by The Firebirds. There was unconditionally NO "Light My Fire" cover on the "Light My Fire" album just one week earlier. I did a quick internet search. The reviews that I read just over a week ago had all changed - the reviews were not prompted by a rerelease on cd of "Light My Fire" by The Firebirds, but now by a rerelease of 2 records on cd, a compilation of "Light My Fire" by The Firebirds and "Hair" by The 31 Flavors - 2 albums apparently by the same group of session musicians under 2 different band names. One of the tracks on Hair is a continuation of the same jam session track on Light My Fire. Almost every article I found appears prompted by the release of the 2-record set, so I could not have somehow missed that there was a 2nd album by the same band.
In summation:
1. "Anonymous band did only one album, called 'Light My Fire' but bearing no connection to any Doors tunes except by title" changed to "anonymous band did 2 albums, including a cover of Doors tune on album 'Light My Fire'".
2. First awareness of band came to me serendipitously, then within a week it again came up coincidentally in a context in which I had a witness to whom I would recount what I "knew" about the band. Exactly one week later, again in presence of that same witness, alternative version of band/song again comes up coincidentally. (To put the probability in perspective, the personal playlist which this album is on is over 2000+ songs)
I have had other albums change significantly and similarly over the last year - Link Wray's self-titled album from 1971 is another example.
Part II
Recently going scanning through some old diaries, I encountered this entry from 2002:
****begin diary excerpt****
6 Feb. 2002: Hmmm. I seem to be missing a journal. On one hand, one journal dies off within a couple pages (1 Sep – 2 Sep 01) and the next (24 Dec 01 – 16 Jan 02) implies restarting after a period of silence. On the other hand, I seem to specifically remember recording items from my 31 Oct trip... Shaving my head on arrival, books I picked up, some computer work, searching for a VCR and the woman from whom we asked directions telling a long story of the problems she once had with a VCR… Am I experiencing some kind of “reality glitch”? I remember recording these ... of listing finding Nerval’s Poesies and Manifestos of Surrealism and Maldoror, etc. But I also note 24 Dec 01 “One disappointing thing about my diaries – whole periods were not documented – and they are probably the periods of greater interest.” What’s going on?
There are other reality glitches in my journals. 28 Sep 94: Was thoroughly familiar with Psychic TV’s CD Pagan Day, played it often. On this day I discover it has 14 tracks, not 12. 14 Jan 95: “Watched Repo Man ... Maybe I'm going nuts but this is like the 10th time I've seen this movie (at least) and I've just realized that there's a dialogue in the middle that comedically talks about UFOs as time machines and the ending, in which the same character flies off in the Malibu/UFO makes cinematic references to 2001 A Space Odyssey - the lights over the windshield/Otto's face are the lights over Dave Boorman's face-shield in 2001, the spray of stars (star tunnel) and the closing clip is from Thus Sprach Zarathustra." Now, these are pretty minor occurrences - but - both were preceded a couple weeks previous by "memory floods". 28 Sept '94 was preceded on 17 Sept 94 by "forgot to mention, the neglect of the diary spurned an intense episode. Woke one morning and lay transfixed for an hour. Many previously lost memories came pouring through my head unbidden." The glitch of 14 Jan '95 was preceded on 7 Jan '94 with "Spent night lying there - unable to distinguish between sleeping/dreaming and lying there awake in reverie. Most of night spent in endless flood of memories, most not thought of since the original experiences." There was another "memory flood" event on 7 May '95 but no "glitch" reported afterward. That one happened when I was camped out alone in the woods for the night. When I got out of the woods the next day I discovered that that night "there was a province-wide power outage at 10:37 pm when a power line from NB to NS let go. Residents of Dover (south of Moncton) reported a 'ball of fire' in the sky." A fantastic hypothesis about the flood/glitch pattern is that one could shift from one alternative “reality” or timeline to another. In the process, things must be adjusted in memory to synch it with the new space/time. If one is aware during the process, it is experienced as an involuntary memory flood. If it's not perfectly in synch, you experience glitches afterward - things proving to be different than you remember them. Anyway, each event was noted then forgotten when I experienced them. It was only in going through the journals last night that the pattern emerged. Rosemary Sullivan, in the intro to Shadow Maker, wrote “To write a biography, then, is to write a metaphysical detective work: looking for the clues to a life.” (p.xv) You wouldn’t think that would apply to autobiography.
****end diary excerpt****
I have had some more spectacular reality shift experiences, but what I find interesting about these is the repeated theme of songs changing on albums and the realization (which I had forgotten) from 20+ years ago that I'd experienced "memory floods" in the week prior to two of the experiences.
Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your experience with the synchronicity as well as the changes involving The Firebirds. That's amazing that suddenly there appeared a whole new album featuring a new name, the 31 Flavors, and a new cover of "Light My Fire." I'm constantly amazed by these kinds of changes when they happen to me (which they frequently do), and I appreciate your sharing all the associated details with these reality shifts, since they help those of us reading to follow along with the epic weirdness of the entire thing. Fascinating! I appreciate your taking care to describe the seemingly newly inserted scene in the classic film, "Repo Man" talking about UFOs as time machines. I feel like I do recall some kind of scene like that in that movie, but I'm not completely sure--not at all to say this movie didn't change for you--I'm sure it did. With regard to UFOs being time machines--that actually makes sense, since if those vehicles traverse space-time, time is certainly part of the fabric of reality. The Mandela Effect clearly helps us see that we don't all see the same changes, nor see them at the same times. And there does appear to be another intriguing matter that you're so eloquently pointing out regarding mysteriously missing journal pages, and associated memory floods.
(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
I always love to review your newsletter from top to bottom - such a treat! Happy you have “How good can it get“ products in your zazzle shop! Maybe you can consider adding a small sized tear off notepad with this saying? I think it will be a hit!
Dear Debra,
Thanks for such a wonderful suggestion--I love it! Based on your tip, I've added a small notebook that is now available on Zazzle at:
Lots of love and thanks and blessings,
I had just bought your latest book today, not that necessarily has anything to do with the reality shift. I was sitting on the bench to put on my shoes when I saw a string, piece of yarn or whatever on the floor. I bent over and flicked it with my finger to get it closer and it disappeared as I was looking at it! Gone! I looked under and on top of the little rug beside the string and it was gone. Poof! Not a big event but interesting.
Dear Phil,
That's very interesting! Sometimes once we start acknowledging such small events, we're more open to also experiencing big events. Thanks so much for sharing this—fascinating! Best wishes for a nice weekend,
Dear Cynthia,
I have wrote to you a few times in the past, most inquiries were about how to tell or montier just one thing changing in reality vrs all of reality changing. I had mentioned I don't believe much in things appearing changed on the net or even with certain corporations as I am aware that clubs agreed to play the the public in mass, because let's face it, who really cares enough to pay attention to every detail of reality anyway. None the less, I had mentioned I certainly am a metaphysical believer as my background has gifted me the experiences to come into that awareness. But that's neither here nor there. In the beginning of the pandemic I purchased a small truck from a interesting, musican type, that just so happened to be a Trump supporter, but you wouldn't of guessed so, by his carefree attitude and lifestyle. Now, here is the thing I know, that I know, that I know, I had checked the tile for this vehicle multiple times the first year I had it and even second year and it always said it was a 1994- fast forward to now, and my tile had been sitting in storage for over a year, and recently I pulled it out and now it says it's a 1996!!!! So I have struggled mentally, and cognitively, and psychicly, trying to keep up with the world, tech, and negative energies, and the unending manipulations and drama of life, as well as my own limitations, but I know there is a temporal scientist out there somewhere who has been monitoring these changes. If you knew one for real as a person involved in the scientific community, would you ever publicly tell people? What do you think? Are the timeline monitors hard at work? Are time travelers fighting to save us from nuclear war? Or was I sent a strong delusion by Trump lizards? Golly gee, I just wish I had more brain. And more spirit and an entire science lab. I wish you well, and I hope you are still enjoying life and sharing knowledge with the world.
Dear Courtney,
Thanks so much for sharing your experience with the title of your small truck now saying it's a 1996 vehicle, when you are certain it used to be a 1994. This kind of observed reality shift / personal Mandela Effect is right in line with many other similar types of changes, so it seems like "just one of those things" that's been happening for quite some time, and that we're only relatively recently acknowledged. So I don't see a need to find any temporal scientists or timeline monitors, but I do see more and more people starting to recognize the possibility that each of us are seeing a connection between our thoughts and feelings and the realities we experience.
With love, thanks and blessings,
Dear Cynthia,
FYI: ‘Rescuing Christmas’ on the Hallmark Channel features a strong dose of the Mandela Effect, flip-flops, etc. BTW, I’m also an INFJ-A.
Thank you, dear Bob!
"Rescuing Christmas" sounds wonderful! I see the plot of this 2023 movie described on the IMDB website involves a woman getting her wish that Christmas never existed--and subsequently feeling horrified that she'd inadvertently made things worse for people by succeeding in wishing it away. That's a great plot device that leaves lots of room for exploring how it might work to recreate something based only on what is remembered. In that sense, it reminds me of the 2019 movie, "Yesterday," which envisioned a world in which music of the Beatles never existed, but one man remembered the songs quite well. Thanks so much for sharing this with me, and glad to hear you're an INFJ-A!
lots of love,
Dear Cynthia,
I like that he keeps on smiling
whilst supporting his fellow man.
Which shows one can lead by example.
Dear Stefan,
I love this! Thank you! I love how this simple image suggests the awesome possibility that those of us creating reality based on focusing on the positive can sometimes share our love, wonder, and joy with others if they're willing to risk exploring "the other side of the bus."
lots of love,
Dear Cynthia,
I so very much enjoy your news letter and reading about the sticky situations you and all responders get into. None of these, 'did I see that moments', have ever been a problem for me as I have a photographic memory. Being an architectural person, this gift saved me hours as I could call up where I had been and study the vision for details. Here's a wee story from 20 years ago; hubby and I were off to do a Red Cross collection around our local rural area and on the way past our paddocks where the big hay shed sits 200 meters off the road is his hay shed that was now being used by a friend to build big yachts in. On this day and without consciously taking note, there were a couple of vehicles parked at the shed. Some 10 days later, yacht builder friend Peter popped in to ask if we had seen anyone at the shed. Hubby said no but I asked when this might have happened. I said yes, there were two vehicles on Saturday the 3rd and described the color and types of vehicles. Peter was missing $10K worth of new radar equipment he had dropped off. Three weeks later, hubby and I were setting a car club navigation trial around Waikanae township and I said both those vehicles Peter is looking for are parked on that lawn there. Peter and the police could now trace what happened. The sad part was the nav. gear was now installed in a fishing vessel out of Nelson. A photographic memory saves the anguish you all go thru - I don't envy your problem at all.
Love and Light,
Dear Carol,
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with eidetic memory coming to the rescue in such a beautiful way—that’s wonderful! It seems advantageous in many circumstances that people who have photographic memory can tend to lock in a particular timeline or physical reality, along the lines of the Quantum Zeno Effect, as I described in my new book, the Mandela effect and its society. Just as a Quantum watched pot never boils, because it’s being locked in place thanks to steady observation, we typically don’t see subject matter experts recognizing Mandela Effects in their specific fields of interest. Apparently, this distinction of locking in a specific reality is shared by those with eidetic memory, as well. Many of us who are frequent experiencers of the Mandela effect enjoy some benefits from our reality shifting experiences, such as I’ve sometimes found extra cash in my wallet or extra funds in my bank account, or a flat tire or injury on my body or broken printer or watch suddenly miraculously repaired. At such times it’s clear that we Mandela Effect experiencers enjoy remarkable miraculous experiences, as well as what you might refer to as “sticky situations.” It seems all of us can benefit from asking my favorite question, “How good can it get?” either way.
With love and thanks,
Thank you so much Cynthia.
You have no idea, how much your work and forum helps. Do you think 'consciousness', keeps nudging us to keep awake? I don't think one has to have an NDE, but I know now, what the NDE in itself was-a shift. just like any other, but more drastic perhaps. I remember an incident, that was quite drastic. I was 12 years old, and I was looking at some pictures taken within the last few months. A few days later, I had a strange feeling, full of emotion out of nowhere, but simply said a prayer and went to sleep. About a week later, news arrived that, one of the adults in that picture had passed away that same night a week prior. However, the thing is, when I received that news, I could not stop crying, not because that person had passed, but because I realized I was 9 years old now. I could never explain to my family what was going on, I cried for hours that day, not understanding, yet understanding something was going on. Four years later I had my NDE. It was the strangest most inexplicable thing ever. I know now why things cannot be explained, because they don't occur in a linear chronological fashion-consciousness is vertical. Another time, my family was visiting friends. I was still a child and had wandered off into their garden, which led to a dense grove area. I could still hear their voices as they were eating, and chatting and they were all seated in the garden. However the more I walked into the grove, everything closed up on me and I was in the middle of a type of forest. Nothing made sense, I knew I was 'physically' lost. Even though the exact details are a bit blurry I remember this very clearly to this day. I walked a little further and there were some other children, who were playing around trees. They all saw me and one of them came towards me. I don't think any words were exchanged but looks. There were girls and boys and one was swinging on a swing held between two trees. I believe, I even indulged in playtime with them, and they didn't seem to mind. I might have asked them at some point how to go home because I was lost, and one girl, came up to me and indicated that she would try to show me the way. The children looked so natural in that environment, nothing strange just normal. I did walk with the girl who led me to the edge of the last row of trees from where I could see their garden/backyard once again. I ran fast towards the garden, where everyone was still seated and chatting. I tried explaining my story, no one believed there were any children and I explained the dense grove and trees, and they said there was nothing like that anywhere close. I looked behind me and all I saw was the green garden/backyard. No grove, nothing. I even ran around a bit to see if I could find it, no grove, no dense collection of trees. These were two incidents pre-NDE. I never forget these, and they do not fit anywhere in my so-called 'life'. A large portion of my life is a linear line of unmatched puzzle pieces, like vertical inserts. Do you ever feel that, the non-linearity of a timeline? Much of my adult years have been shutting down my 'instincts' to awake, which I now finally have once again, and now I stay as cognisant as possible. Thanks for letting me share, I would love to hear your insights or other experiences, when you have a chance.
Dear Ankita,
Yes, I have often experienced seemingly impossible sequences of events that seem to indicate a high degree of sophistication "behind the scenes" such that effect can precede cause, and so many more of us are interconnected in ways we have no idea of. There definitely is something big going on with time, as I've shared and written about on my website and in my books. I have a time shift page dedicated on my website that you can see at:
So many non-linear experiences occur that reality is clearly not the way most of us learned in school.
lots of love,
Dear Cynthia,
I hope this email finds you well in the current reality. Thanks so much for your interview with Michael Sandler last night. It was wonderful and helpful to be reminded again of the vastness of infinite possibilities, of the Divine, and amazingness of instantaneous transformation. I wanted also to mention a couple of connection points. Earlier in the day before listening to your interview I was doing some breathing to calm some areas of continuing feeling stuck and put my hand over my heart. Well, at least it was where I thought my heart was! I thought, wait, that doesn't seem to be where I can feel my heart and then realized when I moved my hand lower and toward the center I could feel it more profoundly. It was such an fascinating revelation. Then you mentioned it in the interview that I watched later! Fascinating. Also, when I went to your website to get your email address, I looked through your coaching as this is something I feel might benefit at some point and noticed one of the suggested donation amounts was $222 which is my synchronicity sign. :) I greatly appreciated the reminders. Thanks again for all of this!
Sending love and all good thoughts,
Thank you, dear Keli!
I'm so glad to know you experienced such a cool synchronicity with the position of the heart being something you noticed on the same day you later heard me talking with Michael Sandler about it on Inspire Nation. That is super cool! It seems synchronicities, timeline shifts, synchronicity, and the Mandela Effect are all ramping up rather noticeably recently.
lots of love and blessings,
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A Map of Secret Rivers:
How to Navigate Timelines
by Pippa Oona
A guide to living your Golden Timeline
A Map of Secret Rivers: How to Navigate Timelines is a book written from the heart, at such deep levels of resonance that its inspiration resonates in the soul. With gentle nudges to recognize the inner voice within, Pippa Oona encourages us to remember our multidimensionality, our being, and opportunities to jettison beliefs. Timeline navigation is presented here as a natural ability we are each born with, and that we can learn to sense with high sense perceptions including sudden jolting sensations, unexpected emotions, or prickling sensations on the scalp or spine. We can appreciate how we've been Timeline Jumping when appreciating how such books as: Chronicles of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, and The Star Rover all include transitions from one version of reality to another. Through these stories of Timeline Jumping, we can remember that this is something familiar to us at a deep level in our soul.
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Thank you Cynthia. So many synchronicities. They are always a WOW and I always say unbelievable, followed by no, it’s not, it is the universe speaking 🙏💜
Of course Tinkerbell dotted the i!!